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Fog Lift Chicago 2024

Astro Fest 2024

We celebrate and uplift marginalized artists. Fog Lift promotes adoptee voices and features artists of all kinds to raise awareness about the adoptee experience on May 17-18 in Chicago


Our mission is to recognize and celebrate the power of music as a unifying force while championing inclusivity, diversity, and the empowerment of underrepresented communities. Through our awards, we aim to honor and uplift artists, songs, and initiatives that embody the values of inclusivity. We hope to create a more equitable and accessible music landscape through our original research formula. By highlighting and amplifying the voices of those who have been historically marginalized, we aim to inspire change, elevate diverse talents, and shape a more inclusive future for the music industry. 


Our vision is to create a music industry that embraces and celebrates the diversity of artists, genres, and cultural expressions. We envision a future where underrepresented communities have equal opportunities and representation within the music industry, and where their voices are heard, appreciated, and celebrated on a global stage. Through our awards, we strive to inspire positive change, foster dialogue and set a new standard of inclusivity in the music industry. 

We aim to be a catalyst for transformation, encouraging industry stakeholders to prioritize diversity, representation, and accessibility, and to create a more equitable and inclusive music ecosystem. Ultimately, we envision a music industry that reflects the vibrant mosaic of our society, where every artist, regardless of their background or identity, can thrive and be recognized for their unique contributions to the art form


By implementing these guidelines, the Wavy Music Awards can foster a more inclusive, representative, and equitable music industry, celebrating the talents and contributions of diverse artists and empowering underrepresented communities and individuals with disabilities. 

  1. Representation and Inclusivity: The Wavy Awards prioritize and celebrate artists who have actively contributed to promoting diversity, inclusion, and representation in the music industry. This includes recognizing individuals from underrepresented communities, including but not limited to marginalized racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ individuals, individuals with disabilities, and other marginalized identities. 

  2. Artistic Excellence: We honor and recognize artists who consistently push the boundaries of their craft, displaying exceptional talent, creativity, and skill in their respective genres. Whether it's through groundbreaking musical innovations, captivating performances, or thought-provoking compositions, the Wavy Awards celebrate artists who exemplify the highest standards of artistic excellence. 

  3. Broad Range of Genres: We embrace a broad range of musical genres, acknowledging and celebrating the rich tapestry of artistic expressions that exist. Our commitment includes mainstream and popular genres and beyond as we recognize the value and significance of musical genres that have historically been underrepresented in award categories. 

  4. Accessibility: The Wavy Awards prioritize accessibility in all aspects, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can fully participate and engage in the nomination and selection process. This includes providing accessible venues, communication methods, and accommodations to ensure equal opportunities for all artists and stakeholders involved. 

  5. Community Engagement: The Wavy Awards actively engage with the communities it aims to represent, seeking input and involvement from diverse individuals and organizations. This includes partnerships with community-based initiatives, advocacy groups, and platforms that promote inclusivity and uplift underrepresented artists. 

  6. Selection Process: Our selection process is transparent, and fair, and strives to be unbiased. A diverse panel of industry professionals, with expertise in various genres and backgrounds, are involved in the evaluation and decision-making process to ensure a well-rounded perspective. We call these experts decision-makers (DMs).

  7. Education and Outreach: The Wavy Awards uses its platform to educate and raise awareness about diversity, inclusion, and the challenges faced by underrepresented communities in the music industry. Outreach programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities are provided to support emerging artists from marginalized backgrounds. 

  8. Continued Commitment: The Wavy Awards demonstrate an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion by regularly reviewing and reassessing its guidelines, practices, and impact. It adapts and evolves to address the changing needs and demands of the music industry and the communities it serves.